Posts with the category “advent-2023”

Merry Christmas
by Wordworkers on December 25th, 2023
Merry Christmas! May the peace, joy, grace, and love of Jesus fill your life. Whether you are hosting or traveling, calm or stressed, take the time today to enjoy Christmas with your family, whoever that might be. — The WordWorkers...  Read More
The Son of God
by Wordworkers on December 24th, 2023
The angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God.”– Luke 1:35There is a lot to unpack in this one short speech from the angel. Let’s take a look at a few parts.The wording used at the beginning of speech, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you,” is the same wording ...  Read More
A Cloudy Christmas
by Wordworkers on December 23rd, 2023
Last year, I wrote about the peace of snow falling at night. This year, we have yet to get an inch of snow. For many people, including myself, it is difficult for it to feel like Christmas when the weather is more reminiscent of late March.There are several elements that when missing make it not feel like Christmas. Besides snow and typical December temperatures, there is also music, Christmas lig...  Read More
The Best Gift
by Wordworkers on December 22nd, 2023
If you’re online at all between the beginning of November and Christmas, you’ve seen the articles that list “The 10 Best Christmas Gifts for ___,” with every possible combination of words in the blank. “10 Best for 11 Year-Olds.” “10 Best for Kids Who Love Curling.” “10 Best for Minnesotans Whose Favorite Color is Burgundy, Favorite Flavor is Butterscotch, and Favorite Meal is Brunch.”All of the a...  Read More
Candy Cane Stripes
by Wordworkers on December 21st, 2023
Peppermint is one of those love it or hate it flavors, and I love it. At this time of year, I always get candy canes to eat, as well as decorate my Christmas tree with. The cool peppermint flavor and the red and white colors evoke Christmas for me.Have you ever seen how candy canes are made? The white sugar forms a central core around which the alternating white and colored stripes are formed into...  Read More
Who is Santa?
by Wordworkers on December 20th, 2023
Do you remember going to see Santa when you were a child? I remember going to the rotunda at Ridgedale and waiting in line to see Santa. There was a fake wooden cabin surrounded by scenery and decorations. When we finally reached the front of the line, I got twenty-seven seconds to ask Santa for my Christmas gifts and to take a photo with him.In 2019, as we prepared for the Kids Christmas Program ...  Read More
Beauty and Distance
by Wordworkers on December 19th, 2023
This past spring, I went on a photography trip up along Minnesota’s North Shore just before Memorial Day. The smoky haze from the Canadian wildfires still hung in the air, but I still enjoyed hiking and taking photos. While not the shots that I had envisioned when planning the trip, I still came away with several great shots.At the end of the trip, I spent a day in Duluth. I awoke before sunrise a...  Read More
Self Reflection
by Wordworkers on December 18th, 2023
I’ve always been both in awe and jealous of people who have the dedication to keep a daily journal. I’ve kept a journal for trips that I’ve gone on, such as the Germany trip with All Saints or my family’s trip to Thailand, but I struggle to write a journal entry every day when I’m in my normal routine.Every time I try, I never manage to keep it up for more than two weeks. Eventually, I’ll have a b...  Read More
Rejoice Always
by Wordworkers on December 17th, 2023
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18Today’s reading from First Thessalonians begins with an encouragement to “rejoice always.” With Christmas Eve just a week away, with houses adorned with twinkling lights, with cheerful songs playing on the radio, some of us find it easy to get into a...  Read More
Baking and Making Memories
by Wordworkers on December 16th, 2023
When home begins to fill with the varied wonderful smells of baking cookies, Christmas memories come flooding back.It starts in late November with the peppernuts and springerlies. Old fashioned cookies that need time to harden before you dunk them in your coffee. As a non-coffee drinker, I don’t enjoy those cookies very much, though warm peppernuts fresh out of the oven are very good for the seven...  Read More
Sounds of Christmas
by Wordworkers on December 15th, 2023
What are your favorite sounds of Christmas?Perhaps it is the music? The loud and boisterous celebrations of Joy to the World and Go Tell It on the Mountain. The symbolism in Lo How a Rose or The Holly and the Ivy. The gentle, hushed tones of Away in a Manger or Silent night.Or maybe it’s the sounds of excitement and joy from your family. Kids tearing open wrapping paper and playing with toys. Adul...  Read More
Stars in the Sky
by Wordworkers on December 14th, 2023
Last night was the peak of the Geminids, a prolific meteor shower often ignored due to falling on cold December nights, as opposed to the popular Perseids which happen on the warm evenings of August. Still, with the skies clear, I was outside with my camera. Even though the photo above is the best shot I got, I was able to see many more with my eyes.I’ve been out stargazing before, both with and w...  Read More
Frozen Lakes, Warm Souls
by Wordworkers on December 13th, 2023
Here in Minnesota, we love our lakes so much that, after spending all summer on and around them, we eagerly wait for them to freeze so we can spend winter on them as well. How astonishing that what once flowed freely can turn solid and strong enough to support people and vehicles. An awe-inspiring part of God’s creation.Our souls can sometimes be like water. When things are going well, they flow l...  Read More
Reflections at Night (Poem)
by Wordworkers on December 12th, 2023
Lights twinkle, lights sparkle, lights glimmer in nightAs bitter cold wind swirls around the treetops.The streets are all empty, with no cars in sight,And bright glows the neon in dark, lonely shops.I sit in my rocker and stare at the darkTo ponder anew at my place in this life.I used to be worried, and so lost my spark,And turned on my self, and inflicted with strife.But then, like the dawning of...  Read More
Presents or Presence
by Wordworkers on December 11th, 2023
There is something magical about seeing a Christmas tree with presents piled under it. The mystery of what the colorfully wrapped boxes contain that bubbles and fills your thoughts. The trembling expectation when you glance at the neatly lined up stockings. As a child, that anticipation was nearly unbearable.When I was young, I spent Thanksgiving morning with the catalogs—Target, Sears, Fleet Farm...  Read More
Prepare the Way of the Lord
by Wordworkers on December 10th, 2023
 A voice cries out:“In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord,make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” — Isaiah 40:3How are your preparations for Christmas going? At my house, a disassembled tree lays in parts in the corner of the living room, surrounded by open boxes that hold more ornaments than the tree can hold. A line of window decorations has been unpacked, but awaits being pu...  Read More
by Wordworkers on December 9th, 2023
The day that this post goes live, I am helping my sister move. Even though we’re only moving her 19 miles, all of her things needs to be packed up in boxes and bags, and then loaded into a moving truck. And since these posts are written ahead of time, I don’t know if I’ll be hauling those boxes through snow or frigid winds or a nice, sunny day.While moving can mean physically hauling stuff, it is ...  Read More
Adelaide's Gift - Part 4
by Wordworkers on December 8th, 2023
“You’ve hardly touched your soup.” Addie’s mom reached out a hand, placing the back of it against Addie’s forehead. “Are you feeling okay?”“I’m just…” Addie searched for an excuse. “Excited for Christmas.”Her father placed a hand on her shoulder. “Just don’t get too excited, sweetie. Like I said, I don’t think Santa’s going to be able to get here tonight.”“I know.” She swirled her tepid soup with ...  Read More
Adelaide's Gift - Part 3
by Wordworkers on December 7th, 2023
Rita sat across the worn dining table in her family’s cramped apartment. Her arms were folded and her eyebrows furrowed as she glared across the table at Addie. “What are you so happy about?”Addie reached up and touched her cheeks, which were raised in a broad smile. “I’m going to get my due for being bad: coal from Santa.”“You want to get in trouble?” Rita scratched the back of her neck. “Really?...  Read More
Adelaide's Gift - Part 2
by Wordworkers on December 6th, 2023
Addie slumped in the chair, her face scrunched up and her lower lip stuck out. Getting on Santa’s naughty list had sounded easy when she’d been huddled under her covers last night, but it wasn’t going well so far. She approached the grumpiest man in their building, and somehow inspired him to leave his favored spot of the past decade.She needed to find someone else who deserved being mean to, sinc...  Read More
Adelaide's Gift - Part 1
by Wordworkers on December 5th, 2023
Adelaide Tirion had been good all year. And all the good girls and boys got a present from Santa. So, it was a surprise on December 23rd when her father got home from the factory just before her bedtime and sat her down.“Addie, I don’t think Santa’s going to be stopping at our house this year,” he father said, scratching at his elbow. His watery eyes glanced around her small bedroom.She followed h...  Read More
Doesn't Need To Be Said
by Wordworkers on December 4th, 2023
How do you keep your family recipes? We have a collection of yellowed and butter-stained 3x5 cards. One of the cards is for peppernut cookies...  Read More
Alive, Awake, Alert, Enthusiastic
by Wordworkers on December 3rd, 2023
When I worked at summer camp, there was a song we sang in the mornings as the campers gathered for breakfast.  Read More
Advent Calendar Begins This Sunday
by Aaron Achartz on November 28th, 2023
Advent begins this Sunday, and the Word Workers are presenting their fourth annual Advent Calendar. Every day there is a post of a short piece created by the Word Workers and All Saints members.There is still room for you to contribute a favorite Christmas memory or tradition. If you have a story you would like to share, please email Aaron Achartz or leave it in his mailbox.If you are more of a re...  Read More
Share Your Christmas Story
by Aaron Achartz on November 22nd, 2023
Advent is quickly approaching, and the Word Workers are presenting their fourth annual Advent Calendar. Starting on Sunday, December 3, there will be a daily post of a short piece created by the Word Workers and All Saints members.As in previous years, the Word Workers are asking congregation members to contribute a favorite Christmas memory or tradition. If you have a story you would like to shar...  Read More




