Small Groups

Deepen your sense of belonging at All Saints by connecting with others

Explore our groups

All Saints offers a variety of ways to connect with others to share life and contribute to our common ministry. For adults, you'll find groups focused on music, writing, creation care, racial justice, knitting, walking, biking.  

We also offer periodic groups and classes 4-6 weeks in length each year related to faith and other relevant topics. Contact us to find out when the next groups will be offered. For families, we provide Kids Connection on Sundays, as well as a youth ministry experience starting in 6th grade built around small groups, learning, and service. Regardless of your stage of life, there are opportunities to connect with others.


Join us for our summer Bible and Bagels study with Pastor Jon. Come for light food and coffee, followed by a deep dive into the Bible.

June 9 – How the Bible Came to Be

Take a deeper dive into the origins of the Bible. We’ll talk about biblical authors, the history surrounding the formation of the Bible as we have it today, and why there are some textual variants in the original Greek you should know about. We’ll also study a passage from the Gospel of Matthew together that draws upon some of our new insights.

July 21 – Other Gospels?

What’s the deal with those other gospels I’ve heard about that aren’t in the Bible? We’ll talk about ancient scrolls discovered in Egypt that contain Gnostic writings. We’ll learn more about Gnosticism and how it differs from Christian faith.

August 18 – Difficult Passages

How do we read passages that appear to endorse things like violence, slavery, gender inequality, or which generally seem out of step with contemporary views of life? We’ll talk about how we can claim the Bible as a source of sacred inspiration while navigating these passages.


Join us for a parents Bible Study! Moms and dads of young children are invited to gather for fellowship and study led by Miranda and Jacob Wagner. Once a month, moms are invited to join Miranda for the study starting July 16 at 6:30 pm. Dads are invited once a month to join Jacob beginning July 23 at 6:30 pm. Then once a month both groups will come together for some family fun kicking off July 30.

Both groups will be going through the Animate faith study. Animate uses a variety of speakers and videos to provide thought-provoking perspectives, cultivate conversations, and dig into one's faith. Animate also offers faith journals to reflect on your experience during the study. Indicate on your RSVP form if you would like a journal for $15.
RSVP on the website (moms and dads) or the All Saints App to join us!

Sign up for a small group

We'd love to get you connected to a small group in your area of interest.  Fill out the form below to help us understand what type of connections you're seeking.

Small groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week at different times so use this form to find a fit that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!