Crossroads Confirmation
Many people have heard the Bible stories of Joseph and the technicolor dream coat, Daniel and the Lions Den, David and Goliath, or Jonah and the Whale. These are classic Sunday School stories usually known with a catchy title. However, we usually only hear part of the story, not the whole story. This year at Crossroads we will dig deep into these classic stories and look at them beyond their catchy title and even see the messy parts of the story that many people choose to skip over.

Registration is now open for 2024-2025 Crossroads Confirmation. If you have any questions, contact Chelsea.
What is Crossroads?
Crossroads is a three-year confirmation program for youth in 6th, 7th and 8th grade. During Crossroads, youth will be placed in a group with an adult guide and other kids. They will stick with the same group throughout all three years of Crossroads to encourage connection with each other.
Throughout the three years, youth will dig deeper into their faith by learning Bible Stories and having faith conversations that make them think critically about their faith and what it means to be a Christian in our world today.
At the end of their 8th grade year, youth will be asked to affirm their faith and take responsibility for the promises made at their baptism. By the end of Crossroads, youth should have built connections with other youth, know what it means to be a Christian, and be able to define what they believe.
Throughout the three years, youth will dig deeper into their faith by learning Bible Stories and having faith conversations that make them think critically about their faith and what it means to be a Christian in our world today.
At the end of their 8th grade year, youth will be asked to affirm their faith and take responsibility for the promises made at their baptism. By the end of Crossroads, youth should have built connections with other youth, know what it means to be a Christian, and be able to define what they believe.
Sermon Notes
Click the button below to fill out the sermon notes form while listening to a sermon at All Saints.
At All Saints, we value serving and finding our unique purpose. We encourage youth to take on key roles and leadership opportunities. We know youth have many skills and talents to offer, and we would love them to be a part of any of our hospitality or ministry teams. Many youth make an impact as ushers, Kids Connection leaders, greeters, readers and on our tech team. Youth with musical talent are invited to work with Meg Redmond or Tom Klemond to sing or play an instrument during worship.
Growing Together
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Senior High Ministry Events
Senior High youth participate as mentors in our Crossroads Ministry. A variety of events during the year (ski and snowboard trips, movie nights, and Bible studies) draw students together. One of the biggest events of the year is the summer mission trip. Senior high youth travel across the country to serve, while growing in faith and community together.