LOVE (Susan Ault)

[The following is a poem from Journeys: An Anthology of Adult Student Writing 2012 produced by The Minnesota Literacy Council.  Susan Ault shared this book and uses it in her work with adult English language learners through the Hopkins Schools.  Her students also contribute to the annual editions of this anthology.]

Love is a grateful thing.
Love is with a pure heart.
Love is with a charity heart.
Love the person that loves you.
Love the person that hates you.
Love your friends.
Love your enemies.
Love your family. cousin Elizabeth who was expecting her own son to be born.  This boy would be named John and become the
Love your neighbor.
Love your teacher.
Love one another.
Love the world.
Love will never end.
I love you with all my heart.
Love God.

            Original poem by Seuth, who came to Minnesota from Laos
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