Saints on Bikes - Sovereign Estate

We have options for our next SOB ride, which is this Sunday, July 9. We are headed to the Winery at Sovereign Estate in Waconia. We have two start places. Let us know which place you choose.
  1. 30 miles: 1pm with wheels rolling;
    Highcroft Country Day School.
    301 Peavey Lane, Wayzata.

  2. 22 miles: about 1:25pm wheels rolling;
    St. Martin's by the Lake Church.
    2801 Westwood Road, Minnetonka Beach.
    There are five parking spaces behind the church, by the trail, or plenty of parking at the front.
There are lots of food choices and beverages at the winery, or bring your own. Your leaders are Roger and Eileen Anderson. 
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