Reflections at Night (Poem)

Lights twinkle, lights sparkle, lights glimmer in night
As bitter cold wind swirls around the treetops.
The streets are all empty, with no cars in sight,
And bright glows the neon in dark, lonely shops.

I sit in my rocker and stare at the dark
To ponder anew at my place in this life.
I used to be worried, and so lost my spark,
And turned on my self, and inflicted with strife.

But then, like the dawning of morning's bright sun,
The Lord to my soul came awakening me:
For Jesus has died for my soul to be won
And comes back every Advent as blameless baby.

Now let my radiance shine in the dark,
Like all of decor I can see down the street,
For I am appointed to go make my mark
And share that his offered forgiveness is sweet.

In bitter cold darkness, in sunny warm spring,
Let my light beam out, and my praise loudly ring.
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