COVID-19 Information

Worship Service Updates

Masking is optional. We want to thank you for your continued patience and commitment to our ministry as we all dealt with changes in our connections with each other. It is greatly appreciated!

If you are unable to join us in person for worship, you can view the worship on the View a Service page.

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COVID-19 Building Updates

Ring the doorbell on the bricks to the right of the west entry door on Monday through Thursday from 9am-4pm. A staff person in the office will answer and be able to remotely unlock the door for you. If you wish to meet with a specific staff member, please email that person in advance to ensure availability. Find staff emails here.

Please note the following when visiting the All Saints building:
  • Ring the doorbell on the exterior of the west entry door. A staff member will remotely open the door for you. 
  • Staff are not always available during the building’s open hours. Please email the specific staff person to ensure their availability.  
  • If you are coming to All Saints to meet with your previously scheduled small group, please coordinate for one person to manage the exterior door to let others into the building as the door will remain locked even during office hours.
Masking is optional for worship and other activities at church during the week. Since the beginning of the pandemic, it’s been the intent of the church council to ensure that church remains one of the safest spaces for the largest number of people to gather. We recommend masks for anyone who may have additional health concerns. We recognize that physical health has been a primary concern during much of the pandemic. Now that we’ve passed the three-year mark of the pandemic, we know that seeing faces is an important element in social and emotional wellbeing as well.
We continue to ask you to be considerate of others. If you are sick, please pause your attendance at in-person church activities. If you do have symptoms, please either quarantine according to CDC guidelines and/or take a COVID test. We know that RSV and regular colds are also going around these days. It’s still our desire to create a healthy and safe environment for people and we thank you for helping us do that.
Small groups that gather at church may do so without a specified time limit. All group meetings must be scheduled in advance through the church office, so please contact the church office about facility availability during the week.

Please follow health and safety precautions and ensure that you can answer "No" to the following questions:
  1. Do you have a fever?
  2. Do you have a new cough or a cough that is becoming worse?
  3. Are you experiencing shortness of breath?
  4. Are you experiencing any other symptoms of illness?

Find additional CDC information here.