Racial Justice

Indigenous Land Acknowledgment

The church council has adopted an indigenous land acknowledgement. This is recommended by the ELCA and is a sign of respect to the historic and continuing presence of indigenous peoples in our region. It also reflects gratitude for the land we live upon. Lutherans and other Christians have long-standing relationships with indigenous peoples and this is a small but meaningful way to acknowledge their presence and this continuing relationship.
All Saints is located on the original and ancestral homelands of the Wahpekute people, 
part of the Oceti Sakowin (Seven Council Fires) 
more commonly known as the Great Sioux Nation. 
We give thanks for their presence here since time immemorial. 
We also wish to recognize and honor all our Indigenous siblings 
who have called and continue to call this land their home.

Working Toward Racial Justice

All Saints Church, as a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, does hereby resolve and proclaim that: 

  1. White supremacy is racism and we condemn it;

  2. Violent rhetoric against persons of color in the name of so-called "Christian Nationalism" is not a true Christian faith. It is idolatry and we condemn it;

  3. The love of God is for all people, without exception, and we proclaim it;

  4. The justice and mercy of God are for all people, without exception, and we proclaim this;

  5. Our religious and political leaders have a moral responsibility to condemn racist rhetoric and to speak with respect for the innate dignity of all persons, regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, or faith tradition and we call our leaders to honor this responsibility; and

  6. Language that refers to people of color or immigrants with words like "invasion" or "infestation" or "white replacement" is racism and we condemn it;

  7. We are called by Jesus to "love our neighbors as ourselves." As persons called to love one another as God has loved us, we therefore proclaim our commitment to speak with one voice against racism and white supremacy. We stand with those who are targets of racist ideologies and actions. With them, we demand and will advocate for a more just, loving, and peaceful world where the gifts of all people are appreciated, and the lives of all people are treasured; and
  8. We call all congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to engage in communal study of the structures and rhetoric that empower and fuel racism and white supremacy and to take to heart the teaching of Scriptures, so we may all be better equipped to speak boldly about the equal dignity of all persons in the eyes of God.
ELCA Condemnation of White Supremacy and Racist Rhetoric Social Policy Resolution

Racial Justice Resources

Learn more about the impacts of racism in our country, our communities, and even in the Christian church. 

Op-Docs is The New York Times editorial department's section for short, opinionated documentaries, produced by independent filmmakers and artists with wide creative latitude, covering current affairs, contemporary life, and historical subjects.

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